Disclaimer: The clip in this post could belong in Found on the Net, but I wanted to use it to help lead into a discussion regarding innovations and imagination, specifically those catching peoples' interest.
Anyway, I caught this clip on another site. It's a demonstration of a 3-D landscape that appears, disappears, and can be manipulated by moving around a piece of paper in front of a webcam. It makes me happy:
Have you seen or experienced any imaginative or innovative technology or use of technology lately? How important is innovation and imagination in your field of study or work? Do you believe that most possible inventions have already been created and now will just be improved upon?
The company I work for does Federal IT consulting. One of our most recent projects focused largely on innovation in healthcare systems - improvements to processes, technology, etc. that would allow doctors to spend more time with patients and/or improve the car they provide. It is/was a really fun project, and it's interesting to see even the software that is created and used to help encourage innovations and structure the process of developing them and weeding out those that would be less productive or difficult to implement.