I have USAA insurance. Our two most recent cars (we have had for 8 and 10 years respectively) have had body repair done 7 times. One of which was my fault. USAA has taken care of us each time. They take our original deductible, they deal with the other company, we go to a USAA shop, and they refund our deductible when the other company takes responsibility. So I will take their service, even if someone else can undercut them by a couple hundred a year.
It sounds like your truck is your big splurge, and that's not necessarily a bad thing. It's when you trick it out, throw a snowmobile on the back, add a camping/hunting trailer, and do all the other things that dwindle your money down.
Definitely get into your 401k to at least pick up the match. After that, consider a Roth IRA. You pay with after tax money, but the earnings are tax free at retirement. You also have more flexibility; you can take out your contributions before retirement without penalty. This allows you emergency funds later in life, but your earnings continue to grow. If you ended up in the same tax bracket into retirement, then the Roth confers no advantage or disadvantage over tax deferred money. But if you are in a higher tax bracket, then you will come out ahead with the Roth. But the 401k gives you tax savings up front.
As far as asset allocation, you are young and have many years until retirement. Put your money in stock funds. The market is incredibly low. Even if it goes lower, it will go up at some point. You are starting at or near the bottom. Get in there. USAA's funds are ok, but do not offer that many choices. I would prefer a broader mix, personally, but some people would suffer from paralysis by analysis.