Why is it a bad question? The voters in the US are divided up into Democrats and Republicans. If you vote for someone else, there is a slim chance that they will get anywhere near the votes eded to be in the race. A Ron Paul-esque type who preaches small government, individual responsibility, government fiscal responsibility but also smart regulations and laws doesn't usually gain the popularity needed.
Maybe I've been listening to Rush too much, but the Republicans may be supporting fiscal control after 8 years of increasing the size of the budget. Rush is braning Obama as a socialist, and big government demcrat, even though it may not be the truth. We don't know what will happen yet. But, if the Republicans don't go into attack mode, they might not be around in 2 years. But at the same time, there are a bunch of social issues that I don't agree with the republicans on. And there are a bunch of health and environmental concerns I have with an anything goes free market.
The democrats have spent 1 Trillion dollars already, and are trying to control the market. Certain people and cororations are getting bailed out that should be punished for the bad investments they made. A lot of programs th government run are effective. The TSA was a good decision instead of the privately run local security at each airport. Now, I would think that the TSA could be spun off into a post office type agency. There won't be any competition and a uniform set of rules, but they could charge people flying or crossing the border a fee instead of getting tax money.
Now, there are good companies, and good government programs. I woud have no problem if the Wal-Marts were replaced by co-ops or REI type stores where the customers are shareholders. Or if more government agencies were turned into non-profits with smaller government assistance.
Last edited by ASU2003; 03-05-2009 at 05:23 PM..