Originally Posted by biznatch
Coffee, cigarettes, booze whenever I get the cash, and weed. I wish weed were legal, and to me it's completely reasonable that it should be.
Pretty much ditto for me except the weed use and smokes. Weed simply doesn't do it for me. But I sure as hell think it ought to be legal. I quit cigs about 20yrs. ago. One of the best things I ever did. I quit when they went to a buck a pack, thought that was nutz. I have to have coffee in the morning or I don't move well and I like a drink now and then. I'd probably drink more often but I've watched people down here get into the mode of starting in the morning and drinking until they crash, take a nap and start all over at dinner time. I've seen many people go over the edge here. Booze, like any other drug in my opinion, is best in moderation.