For a night in involving booze, my friends and I have come up with a crowd-pleasing party game called Drunk Jenga. It's pretty similar to regular Jenga, but with a drinking element and a truth-or-dare component. Get a cheap Jenga set (technically, ours is "Tumbling Block Tower", the generic version from Target) and a thin indelible marker or felt-tip pen. On the tiles, write different actions--"Take a drink", "Social" (everyone drink), "Give a dare"--or questions--"Describe your first kiss" or "If you were casting a movie of everyone at the party, who would play each person". Whoever knocks over the tower has to finish the drink. Start again.
Progressive dinner parties can be fun. Each course is at someone else's house--you can do as few as 3 homes and as many as 5 or 6. Each host is responsible for that course. So, no one has to shell out for a full meal and no one's house gets too trashed. :-) As long as everyone lives pretty close, it's a pretty economical evening.
"With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful. Strive to be happy."