Originally Posted by Cynosure
Who here is going to see the Watchmen movie?
Hopefully Friday night if not Saturday.
Originally Posted by Cynosure
(I'm surprised they accepted that rating, without compromising the movie. Usually, studio execs don't want an R rating for a big-budget movie such as this.)
Alot of that has to do with Snyder's R-rated 300 doing so well at the box office. If 300 didn't make a bazillion dollars he never would have been able to make Watchmen.
Originally Posted by sadistikdreams
I will most likely see it at IMAX.
At first I was excited, then I lowered my expectations. I mean, nothing's perfect. Especially since they changed the ending. Instead of a Spoiler: giant alien squid, it's gonna be Spoiler: Veidt making it seem like Dr. Manhattan is attacking Earth. Honestly, this kind of bummed me out. Not to say that the original ending was anything that spectacular, but still. If you're gonna go to the effort of a shot for shot movie from the comic book, how could you change the ending?
I'm holding off judging the ending until I see it.