Originally Posted by Telluride
I don't know much about Vicodin. What benefits do you get from it aside from the reduction/elimination of pain?
It gives an opiate effect similar to heroin if you do it right. Which is why when you step out of doing them as prescribed (any opiate derivative) it's extremely hard to quit. The only thing you are doing is making yourself dependent on a drug and killing your liver from the APAP.
As I said before I have just about any pain killer out there.. but I'm not stupid with them..I've seen people OD and die off of oxy.. so I know what it can do if you don't respect it.
Another thing.. to the person who wants to use vicodin in this thread. Vicodin isn't for mental pain.. if you have mental pain then see a shrink and get the correct drug to help you with the problem. If you use things like vicodin or oxy or whatever for mental pain you're only going to make the problem worse and still have your mental pain.