Originally Posted by twistedmosaic
Umm...I REALLY don't think they're marketing this to children.
Well, the Watchmen movie was on the cover of the magazine insert in this past Sunday's paper, and that little magazine is definitely family-oriented.
Furthermore, the TV commercials for this movie make it appear to be just another colorful, action-packed super hero movie; a dark one, maybe, but seemingly no darker than Batman: The Dark Knight. (But those of us in the know, know this movie is going to be much darker than that.)
Thus, I wonder if a lot of families who end up going to this movie, realize what they're in for? Yes, the R rating should tell the parents something. But maybe they won't notice, going in, that the movie is rated R, assuming that since it's yet another super hero movie, it's surely rated PG13, at worst.