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Old 03-03-2009, 04:53 PM   #32 (permalink)
... a sort of licensed troubleshooter.
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Originally Posted by Cynthetiq View Post
Yes, all the social programs provided by the New Deal. It was revolutionary, especially for the US of A.
I'm not arguing that the New Deal wasn't fairly revolutionary at the time, but now it's hardly unique. Many countries have similar programs now that are functioning just fine, some possible better than ours even. A lot of the west developed their own version of the New Deal right after World War 2.
Originally Posted by Cynthetiq View Post
I get to blame myself for my bad investments. I also get to take credit for my good ones. Instead of watching American Idol I've spent time learning how to invest my money. I'm responsible, not the government and not some politician. This is where we diverge. You cannot seem to understand that.
If you screw up your investments, it may only be your responsibility but it doesn't just effect you. In your case it would means consequences for your wife in a big way, and the regular goods and services you would have used in a minor way. They would pay for your mistake. Now multiply that by a million. I understand what you're saying completely, but you're not joining me at the next logical conclusion: bad decisions, the kind New Man was talking about, on a massive scale, without people being able to fall back on Social Security. Imagine that.
Originally Posted by Cynthetiq View Post
I've never said that the collective will opt out. I've said offer choices better than the ones that have been offered.
Wait, you're saying that the option to opt out wouldn't cause a mass exodus from Social Security?
Originally Posted by Cynthetiq View Post
The FCC, the FDA? Really? again you're counting on groups that have failed us greatly! The FDA has proven time and time again that it's stamp of approval over pharmacological enterprises is no safer. Huge recalls of medicines wherein deaths and maimings have occurrred? The FCC providing us cheaper telecommunications and safer TV? So far my cable bill has increased over the past decade for TV. There still is no ala carte service to pick and choose what channels I would like. I don't watch ESPN, yet carriage charges for ESPN costs me almost $9 a month.
I've never ingested dangerous amounts of mercury. For that, I give my thanks to the FDA. Are they perfect? No. Of course not, and we should be vigilant in ensuring that they improve. Still, there is no market alternative. If the market was able to prevent dangerous foods and drugs from being distributed, the FDA wouldn't exist. The FCC, like the FDA, is hardly perfect, but look at the incredible efforts made over decades and decades to try and remove anti-monopoly regulations, and we still have several different conglomerates to choose from. The market is screaming to monopolize media, but it's still not happened yet.
Originally Posted by Cynthetiq View Post
I get the gist of your argument. You aren't understanding or at least much more forgiving of the future government as I keep showing how the government fails me as a citizen, which is why I'd like to opt out of Social Security. I'd rather be required to use a private method of marketplace choices. Allow banks to compete for my "SSI plan" or whatever you'd like to call it just like any other investment vehicle.
My grandmother lost about $8000 over the past 6 months or so at JP Morgan alone. My uncle lost quite a bit, too, though he hasn't mentioned how much. You seem to think it's totalitarian to think that people occasionally need protection from themselves. It's not, at least not always. Sometimes it can even be rational self-interest.
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