Please help: Boyfriend uses coke daily, plans to start using Vicodin daily
What do you do when your boyfriend tells you he wants to start using vicodin everyday, not for pain. He say one a day will be no problem and it will help him get though work.
He just started using cocaine on a daily basis, small amounts, less than a line a day, to help him get though work. He says it's not affecting him in a bad way, and I am whining when I say anything about it. He is more on edge and quick to anger.
Maybe I am just imagining he is and I am whining to much and I just need to let it be. The amount he is using is about the same as you would get from the leaves they chew in South America, and they don't seem to have a problem with it.
I don't know what else to say. He respects the people of TFP a lot, and will surely read this and probably get mad that I posted this. I need some opinions of people who have dealt with this. What can I expect, what can I do.
If I say anything he just gets mad at me for whining about it. He says he is not stupid and wont have the same problems people with bad addictions have.
I need more than for people to say drugs are bad, don't do them. He will never listen to that.
Please help!