Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
Cool I'm glad you had time to look those up .... I was getting worried.. .you know since it was no longer off the top of your head. Exactly my point of you spouting out crap with no foundation to your statement. When asked to back it up, 24 hours passed with Google being your friend.
I supplied one immediately, and the other two are my own congresswoman and one of the most visible congressmen in the past 20 years and you suggest that this was somehow 24 hours of looking them up? If I wanted to cheat, I could have asked google and come back with dozens of names in minutes. Where a normal, objective person would see a TFP member that isn't on the site 24 hours a day, you see intellectual dishonesty. Don't you know any other tunes?
Originally Posted by Cynthetiq
Nice answer too with the "look up the poverty rates of senior citizens...." you may have just used your tried and true, "Google it" response.
We already know poverty rates leading up to the New Deal because they were one of the primary needs for it, I suspect you probably learned about in in high school like I did. Since you didn't google it, I'll spoil the surprise: the records of senior citizen poverty before 1900 are not readily available via search engine. Still, that's 30 years between then and the New Deal that we saw people unable to plan for their future, through economic boom and economic depression. AND we have new man, someone clearly in the business of protecting people's investments for the future, laying out the fact that regardless of what economic conservatives might think not everyone is capable of saving for their retirement on their own.