you can still get strike anywhere matches in 2 stores where i live. oddly enough, in one store, they are found with the "high falootin" cooking utensils and baking goods. the other store they are near the charcoal. personally, i have always felt they where safer, because with strike on box matches, you end up with a lit match in one hand, a box of flammable matches in the other, and they are 3 inches apart or less. at least with strike anywhere, you don't have to ignite your match on a box of incendiary devices. amusingly enough, my technique for lighting book matches apparently is highly dangerous and can lead to other people imbedding lit match heads in there fingers trying to copy you. (hold the match in one hand, and pinch the matchbook strip and match between thumb and forefinger of other hand and match lights. if you pull slow, match lights under you finger) but yes, i have noticed that strike anywhere's are much harder to find in general.