Originally Posted by ASU2003
I'm sure someone would rather still have a job and be paying the higher tax rate then be unemployed or working at whatever minimum wage job they can find.
The whole goal of the "stimulus" is to have money flow around in our economy. The issue is that since we import so much from a large asian country, and we import so much oil from OPEC, that we will never see the stimulus money again. I know that I gave my stimulus money last year to the oil companies, as did millions of others. The whole oil price thing was a pretty good scam for them to siphon off the extra money people had.
Then obviously the stimulus package they are giving isn't going to work.
Perhaps, government needs to focus on what it's true purpose is, protecting the people and ensuring the next generation has better opportunities. You do this by pumping money into infrastructure (you know bridges that are falling, helping companies large and small meet EPA,FDA, etc. standards, giving out very low interest loans to SMALL businesses, raising tariffs or at the very least negotiating trade treaties that are not one sided, giving grants and tax credits to people and companies that want to develop feasible fuel alternatives).... you do this by raising educational standards and lowering tuition rates, while giving low interest loans to students.
NO stimulus package that continues to bail out banks and the rich will work long term, because the people paying for it are the hard working middle class that is shrinking. You continue to take what disposable income they may have and soon everyone goes out of business.
The very rich have had 20 years of accumulating massive wealth on the backs of the middle class and no one stopped them. Now, they need to either voluntarily help the middle class they destroyed through mergers, layoffs, outsourcing, hiring temp workers, etc. or government needs to start setting pay limits and regulations... one regulation, if the CEO is making over $10 million dollars (salary and bonus) then the company needs to produce. If not the CEO loses salary and bonuses before he starts to lay people off. This should have been done without having to have government step in, but as is so apparent the last 20 years, it wasn't. Hell, some CEO's got bonuses laying people off and outsourcing jobs.
The biggest thing I am trying to say is you cannot keep hitting the hard working middle class that is the backbone of this country. But, government and the ultra rich don't care about these people, they don't care if unemployment hits 20%, they don't care if the "Big 3" go bankrupt (in fact that would benefit them, less pay, fewer benefits for the middle class hard worker and more money for them), they don't care if houses get foreclosed on (better for them, they buy more property and rent those houses out), they don't care if taxes go up, they'll just sacrifice citizenship and declare citizenship in a country with a better tax rate.
The rich have been parasitic for the last 20 years and the sad part is they sold the people the dream they could make it there, all the while stealing all they could. Now, people are just trying to save what little they have and the ultra rich are laughing all the way to the banks we are bailing out.
The ultra rich love to complain how they pay so much in taxes, but if they had spread the wealth instead of accumulating it all the past 20 years, the tax base would be stronger and more stable and fair. But if you own all the wealth, eventually only you can pay the taxes. The ultra rich did this to us all. And the weirdest part, some of us keep making excuses for them.