I remember years ago, WCBS here hired a newscaster who had a hereditary syndrome that made her hands look like lobster claws. There was some initial flack that eventually died down, but then she got pregnant. You'd have thought she mated with a warthog!!! The hate mail that she got for "bringing in another person with the affiction" was disgusting.
Last I heard, she'd taken a job in CA and her baby had the same thing, but that's the only problem, if you can even call it that.
I had a playmate that had the "lobster hands" (one hand only) and we never thought twice about it, never were cruel...how many letters of complaint from kids did they get? I'm betting none. Kids don't care-they might get curious but unless they're fed some mental poison from their parents, they will generally shrug off differences as long as the person that has them isn't an asshat toward them
I concur with MSD-the world is full of idiots.
And I don't agree that this is a disability; it's just a difference.
Don't blame me. I didn't vote for either of'em.
Last edited by ngdawg; 03-01-2009 at 10:26 AM..