Originally Posted by Spartanx9
Does anyone have past or present experiences of Bartending?
I figured that I could give it at try while still going to school and such, seeing as trying to get into retail isn't going that far.
Also, is it recommended to go to a bartending school?
In my experience of tending bar in almost every setting, meaning neighborhood bars to upscale cocktail bars to dinner houses, the fact of someone going to bartending school was a mark against them in all the bars I worked at. Course this is only an opinion, but one I believe to be true. It seems bartending school teaches all the wrong things. Just as an example, I can't tell you the number of times I saw a male come in to apply for a bartending position, wearing a tie, which is what the bartending school recommends. (and that is not just for the job application) Well, I'm here to tell you, the last thing you want is something around your neck, that an angry or disgruntled customer, who has alcohol added to the equation, could grab a hold of. It's only common sense not to wear a tie behind the bar, and this is typical of what bartending schools teach.