I'd love to list a few of my favorite commericals right now, but I'd have to open up the vault to retrieve them from the deep recesses of my funny unconsciousness, and it's a bit too late at night for that right now.
I do, however, recall a certain ad spot that I am not 100% was a Super Bowl Ad, and I've tried and failed on several occasions to locate it on the net, but never could pinpoint it; so I offer it up to you good folks who frequent TFP and idle in the past, and perhaps know how to channel the right sources out of google to obtain this specific selling spot.
All right, the commercial I saw was as follows: It starts with a smoky 2nd-or-3rd-story building that is most likely about to erupt in flames, and a very elderly woman crying out for help from the window above. She is fighting and screaming, not only for her life to be saved, but also that of her precious little baby, a tabby cat she is cradling in her arms. Suddenly, the fire brigade, in the form of a couple of Tampa Bay Buccaneers, arrive at the scene to coax the woman out of her apartment building to the relative safety of a trampoline chute down below. The jersey-wearing firemen shout to her to throw down her cat first, so that it, then presumbably here thereafter, will be saved. They keep re-assuring her that it will be safely caught, but she is hesitant to heave her cat down some three stories. Finally, she tosses the cat out of the burning window and it is triumphantly caught by the footballing fire marshall, who in his celebration of such a rescue, is then seen doing an endzone dance, and while hoisting the cat up in one hand about to attempt to "spike the ball", his teammate shouts, "No, man, don't!" and the commercial ends. (Perhaps not ending there, as most likely what was actually being advertised would be shown in the final five seconds with a white screen and narrator informing you in a summation what that whole situation was indicative of, or something.)
I have no idea what they were advertising, but it was very funny the first time I saw it, and still is each time, remembering it. Anybody have a clue, or remember watching it as well?
As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world (that is the myth of the Atomic Age) as in being able to remake ourselves. —Mohandas K. Gandhi