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Old 02-27-2009, 05:24 PM   #18 (permalink)
Anonymous Member
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Originally Posted by kacilinden View Post
To answer your two questions:

I wouldn't be better off without him, I don't know what I would do. I don't know what I did before him.
I am the person with him as I was without him.
So, what's that make ya?

Here's the deal: Listen To Crompsin.

All my friends except two are men. It took me almost 30 YEARS to make my spouse understand that that is the way it is. He has laid down all kinds of threats-some of which he followed through on-and all kinds of ultimatums.
He wanted me to drop friends or drop going off to see them.
I didn't. We fought, we grew apart and that's where we remain.

If you have to change yourself to be what someone else want you to be, you will lose your soul, your essence.
If you think you wouldn't be better off without him and he makes you cry, what the hell were you before?
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