You're getting a lot of good advice in this thread. I concur with the idea of getting a 35mm camera. Try to stay with the more common makes. Nikon, Pentax, Cannon. I would be inclined to look for a Cannon. If you get a AE1 Program then your lenses will also work with the T-series. You can pick up lenses and accessories for these on Craigslist and Ebay cheap.
I prefer Nikon. The lens mount never changes. You can take a 40 year old lens and put it on a modern D-300. It would be totally manual but it will work. That's why used Nikon lenses are more expensive.
Don't be afraid of the lower quality of 35mm. I read an article recently that showed that the CofC (film resolution) still surpasses the pixel resolution of the latest digital cameras. If you do your work right you'll have excellent quality.
I hope this helps.