Originally Posted by SecretMethod70
Basically, I agree with the concept, and I think it could go somewhere interesting like you propose... I just don't like watching the scenes and having the sensory dissonance where I know they want me to be enjoying watching Dushku in a sex scene (you can't argue that they're not filmed to be titillating) yet instead I'm revolted by the fact that this character is being raped before my eyes and the cinematographer/producer/director don't seem to appreciate that fact.
Yes, that's what I was thinking. The creators don't present the rape and abuse in a way that expresses the gravity of the rape and abuse. The viewer isn't at all challenged. It's presented in the same manner that a normal sex scene in bad television is often presented.
For the story, I think it could be great and interesting. I just don't think it's handled well on the technical side of things. I'll give them that it probably can't be handled appropriately on network TV, but that's no excuse to treat it like any regular sex scene.
Good point. I can't imagine network television handling the frequent rape with an appropriate tone.