For those interested, tonight on The Fifth Estate, 'The Code' Hockey's unwritten law of fighting and the men who live by it.
I always get a kick out of 'the code' to be honest, people who have never done it for a job, make it seem like it's some secretive society or something, really it's just about respecting the person who's doing the same job you're doing but for the opposite team. Also I don't really know how much 'the code' means today, the kids in the league don't seem to have the same respect that people used to have, like that Cal Clutterbuck kid, from the Minnesota Wild who fights while he wears a visor, but he's too embarassed to wear it to the box so he takes it off AFTER the fight, that's just bullshit to me, lose the visor if you're going to fight, be a man, a la Jerome Iginla.
Yes I know I sound like Don Cherry sometimes, but that's what happens when you grow up watching him and, agree with what he says on the subject of fighting.