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Old 02-27-2009, 07:39 AM   #279 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by scout View Post
You should really reread what I wrote.
I reread it. You seem to be accusing us of disliking Bush because he's a republican, when in fact we dislike him because he's an evil moron who likes to torture people.

He only had voice support of the Democrats because they knew it would be political suicide to not go after the hoodlums that took out the twin towers.

Are you kidding me? Please tell me this is satire.

Only after the Iraqi invasion and the changing tide of public opinion did the Democrats change their tune.

Yeah, because Afghanistan was hiding the son of a bitch who attacked us. We supported retaliation against the group that attacked us. Iraq wasn't hiding him. In fact, Saddam hated bin Laden and would have killed him if he could have found him.

The Democrats waited until a few days after the invasion to start denying support. Suddenly they was against it before they was for it or however that shit went down.

Ahh, yes, you're parroting such intellectual giants as the Swiftboat idiots. If you're going to repeat other people's words without thinking about what they say, you should at least pick someone smart. Better yet, someone smart who isn't blatantly lying.

Nice work as it enabled a community organizer to be elected President of the United States.
How horrid for us that someone who actually did something useful in his past is now the Commander in Chief. It was much, much better under the man who failed as governor of Texas, who failed as an oil man, who failed as the owner of a baseball team, who failed so badly in college that only his family name kept him there, who failed so badly in highschool that only his family name got him into college in the first place, who failed to stay sober, and who failed so much that his dad, the Saudis, and the bin Laden family had to bail him out on numerous occasions, and who failed even to show up for his national guard duty. . . oh, except for that one time in the dentist's chair. Yes, clearly George W. Bush's past history of abject failure and nothing but abject failure is quite a bit better than Obama's history of success.

I would make a snarky comment here about you only disliking Obama because of the giant D next to his name, but that would an overly extreme case of stating the obvious.

The Democrats taking control of both houses was a direct result of the Patriot Bill and their promise to repeal it, a promise they broke btw.
I actually largely agree with this, except that its scope is too narrow - - it was also a direct result of the war, and the desire of the country to end it. And yes, I do agree that the spineless bastards broke their promise and ignored their mandate by not stopping the war.

The Republicans pushing NAFTA through
Credit where credit is due. Clinton happily signed it, the sonofabitch.

and the Democrats idea of everyone in America, regardless of credit worthiness, should own a home has gotten us in this fine mess.

How is that a democratic idea? It's a wall street / investment banker / mortgage broker idea, cheerfully encouraged by Greenspan. Who is a self-admitted Republican.

There is a lot riding on our Presidents shoulders at the moment and we all better hope the decisions he makes are correct as there is little room for error.

You're right there. Obama has to be FDR 2.0 and he has very little time to do it in.
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