Originally Posted by shakran
Because the idiots that you support insist on transferring all of the wealth from your customers to people who don't want to buy what you offer.
O.k. given the errors made by Bush and Republicans, Bush is not President and Republicans have virtually no power in Congress - Change was coming, we knew that since June, change is here, change got the TARP passed - meeting change's conditions, change got the largest spending bill in history passed, change is holding bad Wall St. bankers accountable, change is..., why am I loosing money every day?
I answered the question already. I am a sucker. I actually believed in change. I think the people who said they believed in change, lied and buried their money in their back yards.
Ever had to borrow money in an emergency? Carrying debt isn't good either, but are you telling me that if your wife were dying and you had to borrow money to get her treatment, that you wouldn't? And btw, I explained that despite having a firm conviction that you aren't confused at all, but are desperately trying to advance the neo-con agenda despite the fact that it's been proven completely and utterly damaging and destructive to the interestes of this country.
I think the only good reason to borrow money is to use the borrowed money to buy things that either appreciate in value or will make you more money in the future. Borrowing money, for my children to pay back is always wrong in my view. Borrowing money for short-term fun or to feel good is always wrong in my opinion. My views on the use of debt is simple and clear, at least to me.