02-24-2009, 06:29 AM
#17 (permalink)
Originally Posted by guccilvr
I will agree with Liverpool lacking invention, although Torres was spot on today I thought. Liverpools problem is they always act like they are asleep until the others score. Then they try to walk the line and make a comeback. Today was one day where it didn't work out so well.. and it was also the day that all of Manchester was united..
Can't argue with that at all Guccilvr, oh for the days when we take a game by the scruff of the neck and bag a ton of goals!
Rafa has already said no to a new contract from the dirty scousers.. so is this where he walks into the sunset?? I think he's the most underperforming manager in the league.. massive talent and nothing to show for it. Perhaps this is where he plays his usual crap in the league.. (starting subs for PL games) and starts to concentrate on the CL. Either way, I don't expect to see him back at Anfield.
Erm 2 things here. Firstly it's the Dirty Yanks he seems to have a problem with, oh and Rick Parry too. Apparently Keane was bought by Parry and Benitez didn't want him, hence the treatment the little Irish Dude got until his early return to Spurs.
Also - massive talent and nothing to show? I hope you're talking about here and now, you haven't forgotten a certain trophy we won for the 5th. time a while back? It would be great if we could have grown on the back of that, but some days you do scratch your head at his team selections! 
"never mind that shit........here comes Mongo!"