Okay TFP, who else is pissed off by this happening as I am? This is mostly and easily noticable with packaged (not fresh) products. I try to cook and therefore eat healthy, but there are still crap foods that hubby and I like.
I am not new to noticing this economic trend but I did a search and didn't find a thread. It used to be that potato chips and the like were 11 oz. bags for $3.49 (that price went up and up recently too). I'd only ever buy what was on sale when I did buy them. Now, they are all the same damn price but the bag's have shrunk down to 9 1/2 oz.
I also went to make a tuna salad sammich the other day and after draining my 6 oz. can of the liquid (chunk light in water please), I was left with barely enough fish to make two. I don't make tuna salad very often but Hubby and I have been together 20 yrs. and a can has ALWAYS made two sandwich's with enough left over for one the next day. The can still says 6 oz. but it has to be now at least 2 oz. of water.
I don't mean for this in ANY WAY to devolve into a political thread (although it may not be avoidable) but I have to say that while gas prices kept going up and up and UP, we got all kinds of surcharges tacked on to all of our utility bills. In turn, all the food producer's (among other's) kept talking about how they had to pass on their cost's to the customer's with price increases (and only vary rarely mentioning the package downsizing).
Well, gas has dropped DRAMATICALY in recent months and yet nothing seems to have trickled down to us consumers. I may be wrong but in my observance, the package size of products has shrunk before my eyes simultainiously with the dropping of gas prices.
How can they get away with this bullshit? Because we will keep buying their products (yeah, answered my own question
)? What say you fine folks?
P.S. Sorry for any spelling mistakes, I'm tired.