Originally Posted by Esoteric
360 controller actually isn't that bad. Obviously the d-pad is absolutely atrocious but the analog stick works surprisingly well. So far my 3 favorites to play are Sagat, C. Viper, & Ryu in that order. Unfortunately I get ragged on a lot by my friends for playing Sagat because he's currently considered top tier in the Japanese arcade rankings. I don't give a shit about tiers though, heh. I plan on picking up 2 arcade sticks so my friends and I can both play with sticks. I was either looking at the Hori EX2 or the MadCatz SE FightStick. However I've been hearing some bad things about the MadCatz SE stick. Apparently it has a design flaw with the stick that causes the washer to scrape up against something else making it really sticky. The FightPads are also reportedly having upwards of a 50% failure rate right out of the box with various issues like the d-pad not registering certain directions, the controller randomly shutting off, etc.
I haven't played Street Fighter seriously since SF2 on the SNES and this game has definitely brought back some fond memories.
Sagat, Viper and Ryu are all considered strong characters according to the Tougeki tier list. So if anything, you should get ragged on for only using top tier-ish characters (can't remember if viper is in the top tier category) :P
i've heard nothing but good things about the tournament edition stick, and since it uses japanese parts, i can't imagine it being bad. so if you have some extra dough, you should consider investing in 2 of the tournament edition sticks.