Did any of you guys actually watch the play with Harrison or just listen to Madden? Harrison doesn't even use a clenched fist....all of the hits are open handed, which are perfectly legal. Watch any punt in any game and you'll find players doing the same type of stuff to keep a guy down or out of the play, it's what they're taught to do. By the way, the Cardinal dove at Harrison's knees, which is not legal, I'm sure that added to his desire to not let him off the turf. There has been NO FINE issued to Harrison after the game either. The only reason there was a flag thrown on the play was because the ref thought he was throwing punches, he wasn't. And listening to Madden overreact to that play is crazy, he was head coach of the 70s Raiders, perhaps the roughest, and cheapest, teams of all time. He'd have a heart attack on the field if any of his head hunters back in the day were ejected in a playoff or super bowl game.
On the Steelers: SB XLIII ... Truths, lies & misconceptions
• John Madden's call for James Harrison to be thrown out of the game for "punching" Arizona safety Aaron Francisco after a punt was over the top. First of all, Harrison did not punch him; he pushed him down with an open hand. Also, Harrison reacted because Francisco had tried to cut him by throwing a block below his knees. He's lucky Harrison responded in such a restrained manner.
Incidentally, the league saw fit to fine Holmes for using the ball as a prop. And the media reports constantly on how the officials missed the 15 yard penalty. Yeah, the same media that reports and questions whether the league is too tough on Chad Johnson for all of his childish behavior I guess now wants the biggest game of the year to potentially be affected by a 5 second ball shake after the potentially game winning score in possibly the biggest moment of a young man's life. Um, OK. The NHL is so refreshing to watch when guys like Ovechkin can celebrate great goals (while gesturing with their sticks and everything else) and then have a group celebration immediately right after and not only does everyone not care, they expect it and enjoy it. The NFL though throws out penalties and fines. Um, er, duh. Just imagine if the NHL handed out power plays to the other team because of excessive celebration....pathetic.
By the way, instant replay is killing the NFL. Fans can't cheer big plays anymore because a bunch of guys not at all involved in the play have to stop and discuss it while one stares at a screen under a hood to try and come up with potential reasons why what everyone just saw happen didn't really happen. Go watch some of the old Super Bowls from the 60s and 70s, they flowed so much smoother with fewer stops and without TV announcers who agonized and theorize over every mundane detail.