Originally Posted by Crompsin
I just have a hard time believing that a state has "no registration." You still have to be 18/21 to purchase, right? And something tells me if PA was this wild 'n free, I woulda heard about it before.
Example: Vermont has some of the most liberal gun laws in the US and they still have the same old forms that I've filled out in VA, NC, SC, etc.
what it sounds like you're referring to is the form 4473, filled out when you buy a gun from an FFL. These are federal forms, not state. legalistically speaking, that is not registration. Of course the ATF can trace just about any gun back to the dealer it's bought from because of it, but the government will tell you that it's not 'registration'. Bullshit, but there it is.
PA law maintains a 'sales' database, not a 'registration' database. word difference only, but they will never admit to registration, because PA law specifically forbids gun registration databases. sort of a pandering to the public, but they will do it somehow.
A majority of states in this union have no registration. I own two handguns right now, not registered. I didn't buy them from an FFL. I bought them from private individuals. I'm not required to register them with any government agency, nor would I be required to if I lived in PA. Not in VA, SC, nor NC. Now, NC requires a 'permission' slip, or a gun purchase permit for each handgun you buy. This is also not 'technically' registration as the records for these are supposed to be discarded after a certain period of time. But we all know how government works, right?