Originally Posted by guccilvr
So a father hands his keys to a 16 year old who tells him he's only going out with a couple of friends to watch a movie..and ultimately gets into a car wreck that kills someone else..and the father should be held criminally liable?? I cannot wrap my head around this. The father had no expectation or warning of misuse by the kid. How can he be at all responsible??
The same goes for a gun.. if a father has done everything he is supposed to do to train the child of the proper use for a gun, how can he be held responsible when the kid mishandled the gun? It's not the father's brain, it's not the father's finger pulling the trigger.. it's his son. Now if the father had known about some mental instability before hand and just handed him a gun with no prior supervision or training then maybe that would be a case.. but in most cases I feel it wouldn't be.
A car's not built for killing things.
Do you really think this 11-year-old was sufficiently trained in firearms safety? And if you do, do you think he really had the maturity to have ready access to his own firearms? And if so... how do you explain what happened? Sheer psychosis? Whose job is it to keep guns out of his psycho children's hands (he asked, helpfully embedding the answer in the question)?
I think we'd do really well (ALL of us) to resist blanket pontification either for or against gun control based on this case. This case is a major exception--which is why it's news.
In this case, I think dad's to blame.