Originally Posted by ngdawg
I put my 1949 Cadillac in Craigslist...
Yeah, I
still want that car. But, I'm in the same laid off boat, so no money to purchase, transport or restore said beauty to her original glory.
I dunno...this economy sucks stinky ass, but we're weathering it...ok, I guess. Part of that is due to my natural frugality. I've never been one to rush out and buy the biggest, brightest and the flashiest of anything. We own a modest home. One that we could comfortably afford. I did not rush out and fill it full of expensive furnishings bought on credit. I don't need, nor do I want, an expensive flashy car. I drive a 94 Ford Explorer, that's in excellent shape, and my wife drives a 97 Saturn that's in pretty decent shape. Both are 100% paid for. I carry 0 credit card debt, so the only real "debt" that we have is our mortgage. We have the lights, the gas, the phone and the standard things of that ilk. But, other than that, we owe nobody anything. And, right now, that's a very good thing.
she got $1,400, about 10% of what she thought it was worth
This is what I'm talking about. I cannot even begin to imagine having $14,000 worth of furniture.