Originally Posted by Strange Famous
yes, there are shootings in the UK. Far, far fewer - because it is a lot harder to get hold of guns.
so I'm guessing this blanket statement means all of your parents are just better at keeping guns from children eh?
This simply falls under the category of people not paying attention. It's the same as the Virginia Tech story.. the Columbine story.. it's been replayed over and over.. and people still wonder what the fuck is wrong.. I'll tell you what's wrong.. parents (and I'm a parent so I have full right to say this) should pay more attention to what their kids are doing and saying instead of how fat their bank account is. I see all these parents who do nothing with their kids when they get home..they pop on the television and let the kids coma out and then wonder why they didn't see the signs earlier...
So what could have been done to prevent this.. who knows..maybe nothing; but I'm guessing just a little bit of positive interaction with the child would have at least served to deter this incident from happening. If not, at least they wouldn't be so surprised that something happened.