Originally Posted by Slims
Um, sure, soda bottles will leach a few chemicals into the water, but they won't leach more than what goes into the soda they originally contained. Additionally, I doubt the insignificant increase in cancer risk will even be a concern to someone who is just trying to live through the week.
Also, those big plastic containers will also leach chemicals.
The amount of leechate from a purpose designed long term water storage plastic will be insignificant compared to that from a short term one. Soda bottles are cheap because the plastic is not designed to last. A heavy duty container will have far more stable plastic. Part of the reason that you are advised not to reuse small (say 500ml) soda bottles by the manufacturers is because after only single digit uses the plastic begins to degrade and leech chemicals into you water. Not a problem if your using it once, but if your potentially storing water for a
long time it's not the best of ideas when spending a little bit more will be better.
If you want to spend the money go with a good stainless steel or similar vessel, but that will cost you alot.