This is such a fatuous argument to claim that a gun is simply a meaningless tool and it has nothing to do with the murder rate in the US.
A gun is a tool made to kill people or animals, full stop. The majority of people may be able to own guns responsibly, but some will not be able to.
In my opinion anyone who believes that these sort of tragedies would still happen in a state with no gun ownership, and the boy would have stabbed his step mother again, is simply deluding themselves to prevent them from having to face up to the reality of what THEIR right to own guns actually means.
I will say it again and more clearly. I am certain that the people on this site are honest and decent and peaceful - but the right to bare arms which you hold so dear costs lives, every single week, in the United States. People die who would not die otherwise because guns are so easy to own and carry in America.
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas