Adding to the withdrawal symptoms:
Occasional random twitches in your neck, shoulders, back for no damn reason. Kinda feels like there's someone touching the back of your neck making your hairs stand up so bad that your body automatically twitches to make it go away.
Myself and about a dozen of my friends that have smoked and stopped have experienced this for over a year. It happens with higher frequency between 1 and 10 months and isn't so bad afterwards, but seems to disappear completely after about 1 1/2 years.
Also the most paranoid I have ever been was my first trip on DXM. I was smoking hookah in my car outside my parents house while tripping on it and I kept on thinking that someone was going to come up to the car and like open it and either like arrest me (cop) or kill me (some random tweaker) So I would lock the door. A couple minutes later I was like oh shit I'm tripping so much, what if this kills me or something, I want my parents to be able to find me and get in the car, so I'd unlock it. I would keep on going back and forth on this for hours in between hallucinations. It really didn't help when I could only see out of one eye when the trip started to come down. I was so freaked out thinking I would die that I got on myspace and wrote a blog of what I did and what was happening so others would know why I died. After I decided to just lay down and go to bed I would close my eyes and the room would still be there so I opened them and it was still there. I closed them and it was there but different, like a still picture so I couldn't like look somewhere else and see another part of my room like I could with my eyes open. Whatever I looked at before I closed my eyes remained the still picture very clear and vivid when my eyes were closed. I was so tripping and paranoid then because no matter what I couldn't turn off what I was seeing. My heartbeat has got up to 168bpm while on it, I noticed it was going rather fast so I turned watched the clock for 15 seconds counted the beats and multiplied by 4, it varied the times I did that from 130bpm to 168bpm. It was ridiculous.
-snooch to the nooch