Oy, I hope they don't do that. I know it's bitchy of me to complain that the original creator of BSG wants to retake the franchise and reboot it after Moore took it from him and rebooted it, but still. This BSG is like the greatest thing since sliced bread, and I dread having to explain to people 3 years from now how there are 3 different BSGs, how the movie is different from the rebooted TV show, but made by the creator of the original show, and how the new TV show's prequel is Caprica...
Especially cause, frankly, the original BSG wasn't exactly Shakespeare. And while Magnum P.I is kinda humorous in a really really 80s kind of way, this Larson guy's resume doesn't exactly get me excited.
"You have reached Ritual Sacrifice. For goats press one, or say 'goats.'"