The reason it's feelgood bullshit is that even if Russia claims to have gotten rid of all its nukes, how do we know that's true?
Now, I agree that having enough nukes to kill off the planet 100 times over is a bit much, but having enough to do the job 3 or 4 times pretty much guarantees that the other guy won't think he can wipe your country off the face of the planet on a whim.
I remind you that no country, including ours as was evidenced by the previous Commander in Chief, is immune from having reactionary idiots at the helm with their finger inches from the launch button. If Khrushchev had gotten the notion that a nuclear attack on the US would result in the US getting wiped out with no damage to the USSR, do you seriously think he'd not have attacked? I'm more comfortable with both of us having weapons of mass destruction that we're too afraid to use because the other guy would use his too, than I am with either one of us being the only side with nukes.