The first two are pretty Eastern Canadian things as far as I know but whenever I'm doing a show and I start to get ill (which happens when you rehearse and work 18 hours a day) I do four things:
Friars Balsam: It's a pine extract that is incredibly powerful. I put it in a huge bowl of boiled water and steam myself for like 10 minutes. Clears up and heals the nasal passages. Amazing stuff.
Homeovox: It's the ridiculous Quebecois sugar pill that can take someone with no voice to full vocal capacity within a couple of minutes. It's magical. I don't know how it works but I bet it involves a small army of French-Canadian Wizards.
Ginger Tea w/ honey and lemon: Good for your nasal passages, your throat, and your stomach.
Drink a ton of water.
I have pnuemonia right now, as well as a bronchial infection and a little bit of fluid in my trusty lungs. So I'm pretty sick. Those four things make it pretty bearable.
EX: Whats new?
ME: I officially love coffee more then you now.
EX: uh...
ME: So, not much.