Love should be free. But then again maybe that is my problem. No $50 meals, no $20 flowers, $500 vacations, rings, weddings, etc.
I think we are all coming from different places on the economic spectrum. Pai Mei is the anarchist/economic communist, I am the green individualist socialist/small government capitalist, and others think that nothing is wrong with current capitalism. I think our current go to school for 18 years, work for 40-50 years, hope your savings last until you die model is flawed. I think people would enjoy life more if they worked 5-10 years, but built or bought long lasting homes, cars, and renewable energy generation sources. Then once they owned enough to sustain their normal quality of life, they would be free to come up with new business ideas, travel, build friendships, be there for your family, or just hang out.