Originally Posted by flstf
I don't know if we will become more of a socialist country but there is something wrong with a system that rewards financially failed banks (and their officers) with billions/trillions in bailouts but will toss financially failed families out in the street. Governments should try to act with some sense of fairness.
BINGO!!! That's the problem with the stimulus package, it doesn't address the root of the problems that we're having, it just basically gives a big middle finger to america saying, see, lobbying DOES work! Anybody at all who was asking for money got it in this amazing display of political pandering. I thought Obama was going to be better than this...I don't know why...but for the love of God just b/c Rick Wagoner and his band of hooligans show up in a jetstream and ask for a billion dollars doesn't mean you have to give it to them. Or the banks for that matter....jeez they already have all of your money in their hands and now they need more.....then they get the money and hoard all if it? no matter...hand them more! wait the big three need money? Give it to 'em? sex ed classes? bridge to nowhere? redecorate mayor Bob's Office in Gun Barrel city, tx? what the heck! It's only debt when your great-great-great grandchildren will still be paying it off! Don't worry about creating jobs, I'm sure the economy will be nice and stimulated by the time the work from all these CCC-style projects run out...
anyway anyone who disagrees about the pork-bus find out for yourself:
ReadTheStimulus.org and have fun.
I'm still a supporter don't get be wrong but I've definitely lost a lot of faith...hopefully he knows more than I do is all I can say. sounds kinda funny coming from a democrat huh...