Carrying openly can probably seen as making a political statement--things we'd rather not deal with/see if we dont' have to. For example, couples and kissing openly; they're making a statement, "look at us, we're so in love!"
It's cool that those individuals are packing/so in love, but they permeate the air with their grandstanding.
I saw a guy wearing an NRA hat at the Asian Grocery the other day. I thought, "what a dousche" too. But--in the back of my mind I was wondering if my NRA hat arrived in the mail yet....>_<
Honestly, what someone does on their property is not my business, carry your gun, spank your children, practice BSDM, whatever.
And for the record, I sling my rifle on my back when I cook dinner. I just like having it near. Either I'm paranoid or I like having my toys near. Maybe both.