Originally Posted by pai mei
Dragonlich you say people need to work ? Of course they need to work to survive. If by technology we escape that work isn't that a good thing ? Then do whatever you want, party all day.
I can't understant what luxury you would want that you could not get with your free time. You underestimate yourself. If you gather more people that want the same thing you can have anything, even a space ship built. The impact on the environment of people getting what they want in this way will be far less than what we see today where we must destroy the earth, to have stuff to sell, to throw it in the garbage, then buy it again, else we have no job and so on.
Do you even understand what is needed to build *anything*, let alone a spaceship? Suppose I and a lot of friends want to build a spaceship. Where would I get the basic materials? The metal, the plastics, the fuel, the computers? Where would I get the chips to go into those computers? And the silicon to build those chips? And the machines to process that silicon into chips? And the machines to gather that silicon? And all the stuff to build *those* machines? etc. etc.
I think you're overestimating my popularity...
Originally Posted by pai mei
If you seek servants - impersonal servants working for you to survive, you won't find any in my system. Nobody says you can't have your friends cook for you , but nothing like a servant which has too cook or does not get money/food.
Look at the american indians. To tell another one what to do was very rude for them. Strange concept.
Maybe you think you are entitled to servants and luxury because of your knowledge or because you work more. No you are not. As long as there are people that can't find a job, and people that can't get your education you can't say "they are lazy, they don't deserve what I get". If everybody would have a job then yes you can be "entitled".
In my system everybody could get all the luxury he wants, or live in the woods if he is "lazy"
I do not seek servants, nor do I feel entitled to get servants and luxury. I do however want more in life than just a house and food, free or not.
In your system nobody could get any luxury, because there'd be nobody to CREATE that luxury. And why would they? Everything they build is immediately stolen by those nasty madmen who you claim won't be there. Besides, people would be too busy trying to protect what little luxury they have from those crazy people in the woods. Not to mention protecting their wives and daughters from groups of bored youths.
Or perhaps you could finally explaining how all crime would suddenly disappear?
How would getting rid of money make people suddenly become totally moral, instead of staying the amoral ***holes they have allways been?
I feel like I'm talking to some wall here...