Originally Posted by Xerxys
Dude, this statement is SO wrong!!! Please stop. How many people own cars, ok now, how many people own submarines?! Do you get why the number of cars tip the scale of chances there will be a wreck?
C'mon man!!!
Look at it from a mathematical point of view. the number of submarines and the number of cars is irrelevant. The odds of
your specific car being at any one place at any one time are not, unless one counts traffic jams, influenced by how many other cars there are out there. Similarly, the odds of any one specific submarine being in any one specific place at one specific time are not influenced by how many submarines are out there.
You seem to think that the odds are zero, that two submarines could be in the same place at the same time. This is not true, even if you dismiss the hard evidence we have that you are wrong seeing as how two of them ran into each other.
Besides which, your point does not seem to make a whit of sense. What are you suggesting here? The odds of the subs running into each other are too great (which you incorrectly seem to take to mean that it cannot happen) and therefore . . . What? It didn't happen? It did happen but it was on purpose? Something else happened and they're only claiming the subs ran into each other? What alternative are you suggesting in order to justify what you're saying in here?
My point about the automobiles is not that wrecks cannot happen. It is that wrecks can and do happen, even though the odds of one specific car being in the same place at the same time as another specific car are vanishingly small. If the odds were not vanishingly small, you'd wreck every time you left your driveway. Even though the odds of this happening are vanishingly small, we do not run around and say "holy shit! The odds of those two specific cars colliding are so small. . What's going on here! It's a bloody conspiracy!"
The same point applies to the submarines.