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Old 02-18-2009, 08:44 PM   #35 (permalink)
ngdawg's Avatar
Location: on the back, bitch
I won't get into how you can get free heat from the Sun, cooling from running pipes deep into the ground, electricity from the wind, insulation from dirt, food from gardening, music over the radio, and HDTV over the air. You may need to buy some materials or equipment in order to get the free stuff, but once you have paid the upfront costs, you can live a good life with no reoccuring bills. The problem with this is that utility companies would be in trouble if hundreds of millions of people did this. All it would take is a little different home building practices.
You should explain how those things are free because, quite frankly, they aren't.

You have to pay for solar panels, piping, the windmill, construction, seeds, electronics, etc., and what you call "upfront costs" are not upfront, but ongoing. One solar panel can run several hundred dollars before all the installing, piping, etc. and the reason they are not more popular than they are is that the return can take up to 20 years.
The utility companies actually will give grants and/or rebates for many energy saving installs and appliances because it costs them to shell out mor energy as well.
Even in places that utilize wind power, the utilities charge for it.

Nothing, NOTHING is free. Even if you were to build a wind combine from crap you took off the curb on garbage day, it's not totally free because it took time and effort to build.
Don't blame me. I didn't vote for either of'em.
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