Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
Give'er a go. Don't be afraid to go strong: 1:1 ratio of vinegar and water.
Also try building one of those vinegar and baking soda volcanoes in your kitchen sink. That should eliminate smells coming from there. Maybe let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing it away. Even pouring boiling water down sink drains help, so imagine what a vinegar volcano would do.
The method for cleaning a drain with baking soda/vinegar/water, according to Kim and Aggie from "How Clean Is Your House?":
1. Sprinkle baking soda down the drain. Use about a half a cup per drain.
2. Pour white vinegar into drain, a bit at a time.
3. Once foaming subsides, rinse drain with boiling water.
This works for sink drains, tub drains, shower drains, etc.
Scouring your sink with baking soda will also help with day-to-day odors. I personally don't like the smell of vinegar too much, so I use hot, soapy water with a smidge of baking soda instead of Baraka's recommended vinegar-water cleaning solution.
And don't forget your fridge--stick a box of baking soda in it to absorb any odors in there. Also, if you haven't cleaned your trash cans in a while, that can help, as can sprinkling a bit of baking soda in the bottom of the trash bag once it's in the can.
Odors are a big problem in our kitchen as well--we have no vent or fan. We do have a window, fortunately, but it doesn't make much of a difference for long-term odors, as residues from cooking cling to the walls. Yuck. But hot, soapy water with a bit of baking soda seems to do the trick.