I get going after the kids who disseminate the pictures, spreading them beyond the initial intended audience.
But I don't get charging the sender of the picture, or even the recipient if the recipient didnt spread it around. I mean, isn't the whole basis of child pornography laws the idea that even if the teen or child consents to something, they are too young and naive to make that decision? So these kids are being charged with felonies because apparently they are old enough to know better, but not old enough to consent?
I get the need to be thorough, otherwise real child pornographers could use that as a loophole and basically use what looks like self portraits as a cover. But when that clearly is not the case, I think it is a perversion of the system to treat the 14 year old girl who sent a shot of herself topless to a boyfriend the same way as the 35 year old who likes to take pictures of naked 11 year olds...