Originally Posted by genuinegirly
I see your point. I don't think I could make the jump to connect gum chewing to steroid use, but I see what you mean.
Put yourself in the mind of a child...
Child: How come we can chew gum while taking this test, but not any at other time, in school?
Adult: Because gum chewing enhances your ability to think, and thus can improve your test scores.
Child: I have to think a lot, in school. Shouldn't I chew gum
all the time, while in class?
Adult: No, gum chewing in school is against the rules. It always has been. Not even on the playground or during snack time, is gum chewing allowed.
Child: But... if it helps me think, why can't I chew gum with
all my tests? Why just with this one test?
Adult: Because this test is very important.
Child: Aren't all my tests important? If I make a bad grade on any of them, I get in trouble. But you said this test doesn't affect my grades, right?
Adult: Correct.
Child: That seems unfair. Why let me chew gum while taking this test, which doesn't affect my grades, but not let me chew gum while taking tests that
do affect my grades?
Adult: Well...
Days later, in another conversation...
Child: What are steroids? And why do athletes take them?
Adult: Some athletes take steroids because it enhances their performance in sports.
Child: Oh! Like chewing gum helps me take tests.
Adult: Well, not really. Steroids are illegal, and they can be harmful.
Child: But chewing gum is against the rules, in school. Well, except for that one, special test. And didn't you say chewing gum can cause cavities? That's harmful.
Adult: Yes, well...