Originally Posted by Dragonlich
This statement in itself just isn't true. There have been and still are products where the wages make up a very large part of the total cost. And even for products where your statement is true, all the excess money does not go to the business owner. To create products, you also need machines, other products, power, etc. Those things are created by other companies, which also have employees and machines and other costs. If a company decides to produce X products, it expects these products to be sold, either in their own country or worldwide. Companies do not (or should not) produce more than they can sell.
Your idea that we only need X percent of the workforce to produce everything we need ignores the fact that there's a lot people working in the "services" business. Goods need to be created, but they also have to be transported from the factory to shops so people can buy them. Then there's all the people involved in the logistics of getting the goods delivered at the right place, at the right time. And the people supporting those people...
We may only 10% of the workforce to actually build stuff, but we need the other 90% to support them.
Consider this: if what you say is true, a truly capitalist society would have fired 90% of the workforce. Even if your theory was true, your alternative wouldn't work: if 90% of the population can sit on their arse all day, why would the remaining 10% choose not to?
Ok so some produce machines, components and so on. It does not matter. They get paid only when someone buys the finished product. Nobody buys it, the factory will not buy new machines or raw materials.
Why would the remaining 10% do something ? Because they know they will get free housing healthcare and food for the rest of their lives. That is the system I talk about. I am sure it would be enough for each of us to work 8 years of our life, and the rest do what we want. That dose not mean : sleep and eat your free food waiting to die. I have stuff I want to do, don't know about others, I don't need someone to force me to "work". Which is in fact today's slavery.
"To most of the roles society offers, I say, "You are made for more than that." We inhabit, in the words of Ivan Illich, "a world into which nobody fits who has not been crushed and molded by sixteen years of formal education." The very idea of having to be at a job "on time" was appalling to early industrial laborers, who also refused the numbing repetitiveness of industrial work until the specter of starvation compelled them. What truly self-respecting person would spend a life marketing soda pop or chewing gum unless they were somehow broken by repeated threats to survival?
This system will provide only basic things. Look at the quote above. I don't want to be "comfortable" knowing there is an army of slaves somewhere doing stuff they hate, just to survive, but it ensures my comfort.
One day there will be so many houses, that people will be bored and will go live in tents. "Why are you living in tents ? Are there not enough houses ?" "Yes there are, but we play this Economy game"