The quality of life, and the development of new products has benefited from capitalism. Also, the ability to not have to do everything for yourself is a perk for the capitalistic system.
Consider this: if what you say is true, a truly capitalist society would have fired 90% of the workforce. Even if your theory was true, your alternative wouldn't work: if 90% of the population can sit on their arse all day, why would the remaining 10% choose not to?
That is going to b e a problem when AI & robotics gets good enough to replace a large majority of workers. The 90% will have to figure out what to do with their lives if you are retired at 21. The 10% may become the upper class (with access to the best houses, best food, and other things). There will be more jobs in the robotics area, but my job now is to build machines that replace humans from doing repetitive jobs. And once I am done, I need to find another thing to work on if I do my job right.