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Old 02-15-2009, 12:14 AM   #152 (permalink)
Crazy, indeed
Location: the ether
Originally Posted by matthew330 View Post
First - I wasn't asking you, so if you're gonna step in and speak for someone else, at least answer the question. When were you told it was unpatriotic to criticize bush?
Everything I've said has been ignored or answered with, "But bachman..." I don't know who she is, and that little discription was completely unimpressive, so don't get bent that I didn't respond directly to it.

....and I apologize for not responding to someone's fetish with religion and homosexuals, but i've heard it all before, it's also irrelevant and unimpressive. No point in berating me for not responding directly to that either
I wasnt told I was unpatriotic personally because the people that I hang out with are not that sort of people.
I've given you a list of several examples of people being called unpatriotic for going against Bush, and you still claim that the question wasn't answered?
Start prior to 2004, with Saxby Chambliss campaign against Max Cleland in 2002.
Then read pretty much everything written by Ann Coulter and Sean Hannitty
Then listen to Zell Miller's keynote speech at the RNC in 2004.
Then you come back and tell me that no one was accused of being unpatriotic for criticizing Bush or his policies. And this is just the list of more visible events. If we read the national review, the weekly standard of the writings of Bill Kristol we can find several more examples.
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