Originally Posted by dippin
I have a lot of respect for conscientious conservatives and libertarians who stand firm on an issue out of principle. I have zero respect for the current republican party. So after 8 years where they added over 5 trillion dollars to the national debt,
You forgot something. Remember that for nearly 8 years, when W was in office, they also said criticism of the sitting president during a time of war is unpatriotic. Yet Cheney, Rove, and Limbaugh, arguably the most visible and loudest voices of the Republican party have been having a wonderful time criticizing the hell out of Obama. The rest of the Republicans have failed utterly to accuse them of being un-Ameriacan. The only logical conclusion we can reach from these facts combined with their assertion, is that the Republican party is un-American.
Either that or they're a pack of lying bastards who say something different every week and expect us not to notice. . .