Originally Posted by Crompsin
Yeah, I was once a "newbie" and did exactly that because I had a hard time figuring out where to post my self-centered I'm-the-only-man-on-the-planet-that-has-felt-this drivel. Hah, I think I posted in Tilted Life and Tilted Philosophy... with the same post. (searches for "Harlot") Yep. God, that Crompsin guy? Such a loser.
I remember Crompsin's first post, I think it was in the shoutbox, and was so incredibly misogynistic, that I had to pm a Mod. You've come along way since then.
When I see one of those "woe is me" type of posts, the first thing I do is click on their profile. If it says that they joined in 2003 and this is their 2nd post, I click the 'back' button and go looking for something more worthy to read.